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Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:05 pm
by McGoozenheimer
Underrated: Republic of Dreams, Nurture, Capsule (not completely screamo though), Lester Freamon

Overrated: Every new wave band ever

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:17 pm
by Phil
Overrated: CityCop, State Faults, Apart

Underrated: Kilgore Trout, The Pessimist Hangs the Optimist, Locktender, CAPACITIES, Tetola93

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:23 pm
by theironlotus
Phil wrote:Overrated: CityCop, State Faults, Apart

Underrated: Kilgore Trout, The Pessimist Hangs the Optimist, Locktender, CAPACITIES, Tetola93
One of the best posts so far, love the bolded and simply haven't heard the unbolded. And I can mostly agree with the overrated, though I wouldn't say State Faults is overrated, I just don't really care for them one way or another.

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:20 pm
by David
underrated - mwna, Ravachol, John Cota,

overrated - For Want Of

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:24 pm
by neck_cannon
maybe that's a joke... but seriously why don't i ever see for want of mentioned more? that 7"/tape and the CDr are pretty fucking awesome. pretty tight live as well.

with all that said i guess i'll put them in my very own underrated folder thing in my brain.

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:03 pm
by steven
neck_cannon wrote:maybe that's a joke... but seriously why don't i ever see for want of mentioned more? that 7"/tape and the CDr are pretty fucking awesome. pretty tight live as well.

with all that said i guess i'll put them in my very own underrated folder thing in my brain.
the new (unreleased) For Want Of album, "Smoke", is one of the best screamy hardcore albums I've heard in a long, long time

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:55 am
by maloxan
steven wrote:
neck_cannon wrote:maybe that's a joke... but seriously why don't i ever see for want of mentioned more? that 7"/tape and the CDr are pretty fucking awesome. pretty tight live as well.

with all that said i guess i'll put them in my very own underrated folder thing in my brain.
the new (unreleased) For Want Of album, "Smoke", is one of the best screamy hardcore albums I've heard in a long, long time

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:59 am
by ifp
Under: Apart, Coma Regalia, Trenchfoot, Itto, Off Camber, For Want Of

Over: any of those "raw punk" bands (hoax, ceremony, etc).

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:34 am
by brianutatx
Underrated: Suffering Luna, White Wards, Milk Music, Sea of Shit
Overrated: Hoax, Crazy Spirit, Culo, ACxDC, Weekend Nachos, Nails

Re: Underrated & Overrated Screamo/Hardcore/Whatever bands 2

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:11 pm
by deathbyendlesspizza
underrated: brain fever, republic of dreams, alaskan, necklacing, lord snow

overrated: seriously most new screamo bands i've heard that are doing the melodic thing: wave bands, but also all the bands that sound like wave bands but claim they don't. also any band that has used grunge to describe themselves within the past two years. wtf? hum is the only band ever and you will die alone