Can we talk about our feelings?

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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by CharlieBronson »

CharlieBronson wrote: Things truly are sucklical in music

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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by Relemo »

Do you ever say you're okay with something but really not?

I keep telling myself I'm over my ex boyfriend but I can't commit or get close to anyone else. I keep thinking of him. Almost constantly, one of the first people I think of when I wake up everyday. We broke up about a year and a half ago. Time has definitely been between us. I started dating someone about 6 months after we broke up but I broke up with him very shortly into the relationship. Though my re bound boyfriend and I are really good friends now. Wish I could say it was the same for the ex I miss. He was my frist boyfriend. I dated girls in high school and had a 'serious' girlfriend for a year and a half. I came out a few years later and then started dated THE ex. He was my first for a lot of things in my life. First boyfriend, real lover, first person I said I love you too and really absolutely meant it. I went and saw a therapist earlier this year and he told me that all these feelings are normal and well just crummy. It means I'm human or something. I've definitely come further and am in a better position than I was when we first broke up. I've learned a lot from being with and without him. I know we aren't meant to be (I think?) and getting back together may not be the best idea (there's a reason why we broke up), but I still crave and yearn for that idea to come true. I miss his arms and his touch. I'm glad he's the stronger man and taking the higher responsible ground. He rarely talks to me now. If he does it's very little and just common words 'yes, no, you're welcome'.

I'd like to think we will have a healthy relationship again someday. I haven't given up hope but I don't know what in hoping for anymore.
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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by ShawnWBG »

she broke up with me on wednesday after 2.5 years, brahs. she initiated the relationship and i just kinda went along with it. i ended up falling more in love with her as she fell out of it with me. things were really bad but I told her months ago i was keen to work on it if she wanted to. turns out she didn't.

at the end of the day, i live the skram life and she doesn't, and she couldn't handle that heat

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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by klefmop »

klefmop wrote:used to talk to this girl in my sophomore year. it was very short lived and i still think about her a lot three years later.
she texts me sometime but gives me a lot of mixed signals. it's been a long time so i can safely assume there's no feelings left.
all i can do is play 'what could've been'

i remember being super bummed out posting this and now i can't remember who it's about and it's the funniest thing to me right now.
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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by CharlieBronson »

Haha oh man i cannot read this stuff. Finally in a good place brahs but still skram life til i die.

I hope all of you dudes are doing well in 2019
CharlieBronson wrote: Things truly are sucklical in music

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