Doesn't matter, just talk about shows, because they rule.
Next show I'm sooo psyched about:

Moderators: klefmop, neck_cannon, Andrew, thebigmin, steven
The organizers said it's the only thing they could think of to fuse hardcore and electronic music *cough*crabs*cough* together.Pete > You wrote:Love that robot.
That show is gonna rule so much, especially with you guys playing. Show here should be pretty good, though.ifp wrote:
stoked to play this show.
You GOTTA see Adorno. I'd kill for a chance to see them, so good.hjördis wrote:on Monday I'm moving to the other side of the country, where shows actually happen. I'm so excited!
the next show I know I'm going to is a Youth Pictures of Florence Henderson show September 2 in Oslo, which is extra exciting because they're playing some of their songs in more of a punk/emo vein than what can be heard on the album (which can be downloaded here and bought here). I think that sounds like a great idea!
I'd like to see Kollwitz and Adorno on August 10 and Gåte on August 20, but I'm afraid that will be too expensive (especially considering the price of the tickets to the Gåte show - 465 NOK which is more than $75).