Can we talk about our feelings?

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Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by Relemo »

How are you feeling?
love yourself, no one else will

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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by ifp »

My cat just had surgery. He's a tough little guy, but still has another week of recovery until we're out of the woods. My stress is through the roof. Here's a picture of me visiting him at that hospital after surgery:


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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by xmedleyx »

Feeling kinda odd... Last Monday I played in a big stage helping some friend's band and it was the first time playing bass live, but I don't feel accomplished somehow, although for them it was the best night ever. I guess I'm not much into big stages where the band is up there and the fans are just cheering us.
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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by riderofbrohan »

ifp wrote:My cat just had surgery. He's a tough little guy, but still has another week of recovery until we're out of the woods. My stress is through the roof. Here's a picture of me visiting him at that hospital after surgery:

good luck to your kitty, what a trooper!

personally I'm feeling better than I have been in the past 4 years or so, as my life seems to be taking a little bit of direction now.
however today seems to be constantly reminding me of a certain ex of mine, and i could sure go without all the extra nega-feels. all in all i'm doing alright tho :)

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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by retlawlliw »

feeling alpha as fuck, got off work early even though i wasn't supposed to get off until 5, so I am getting paid for like four hours that i wasn't working. ex girlfriend tried talking to me and i told her to fuck off, BISH YOU BROKE MY HEART BACK OFF. felt so good for the first time in a while
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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by thebigmin »

can't tell if my life sucks or if its going well


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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by CitizenOfUlysses »

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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by Corgi »

seems like my ex didnt know we were in a relationship
its pissing me off a bit
i mean, we sexted and totally loved each other all the time
tell me that has nothing to do with a relationship
just realized it isnt just pissing me off a bit
its actually pissing me off quite a lot
i thought it was assumed that there were something more than being friends if you were talking about what pets you would like after marrying that person wth that person
totally pissed off

Feeling status: Pretty annoyed.
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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by crockett5o5o »

Feeling pretty bummed lately to be honest. After searching for a job for several months I finally found one. After two months of working there I was offered a new position and a raise once the new business opened. I literally had to wait until the new business was open to work because they didn't have any work I could do. I called my boss twice in two weeks to check in, he said he would call me when it opened. I waited an extra two weeks before I called again to hear that it was open and he didn't have a position for me and to call back in August to basically return to my old position. I declined. So now I'm back to square one. I also recently lost my one and only friend for whatever reason. I mean we are like two totally different people these days.

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Re: Can we talk about our feelings?

Post by CharlieBronson »

Ive sold a bunch of my stuff except instruments, records and macbook.

Im sleeping on my couch for this last week of living in Canberra then I'm moving 8 hours down south to Melbourne.
I broke it off with this girl I was seeing because the idea of a long distance relationship is something I can't deal with yo!

In that state of mind where I just need to fuck off these ghosts here and put up with everyone's shit for 6 more days then I'm out for greener pastures.

CharlieBronson wrote: Things truly are sucklical in music

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