Are you afraid?

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Are you afraid?

Post by CharlieBronson »

Are you dudes afraid of catching Covid-19?

We haven't had a discussion about the largest news story of our generation.

Are you vaxed? Are you a believer of the benefits of covid vaccines or in favour of alternative treatments such as Ivermectin?

How are your cities/states fairing? Do you have draconian rules place? Is life any different for you now in a post Covid world?
Last edited by CharlieBronson on Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
CharlieBronson wrote: Things truly are sucklical in music

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Re: Are you afraid?

Post by Vighneshvara »

I hope people get vaxxed. Canada seems to be all over the place (but overall pretty good). My province under conservative leadership just dont give a fuck. More death and cases than the other more populous provinces combined lol.

Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine seem to be remnants of right-wing scum trying to destroy society. I hate to eat the boots of the guvament on this one, but maybe just follow the rules so we can skram another day.

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Re: Are you afraid?

Post by CharlieBronson »

Thats interesting that there is a heavy right-wing presence in parts Canada I always assumed it was a homogeneously liberal country.

I have no doubt that in time the Vax will be fairly universal through the worlds population (to those who can medically receive it) we've already started rolling out vaccine passports here in Australia which will no doubt pressure the holdouts to get the jab.

Personally I don't think the science is settled on Ivermectin or HQC. I am hopeful for the mass amounts of funding being offered to companies to find an oral antiviral such as molnupiravir tho which would offer a non-evasive and cheaper protection.

Us Aussie's too unfortunately need to lick the boot at this time even when some of their policies seem to contradict the science.
CharlieBronson wrote: Things truly are sucklical in music

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Re: Are you afraid?

Post by Vighneshvara »

Have you been taken away by the secret aussie police yet, or what?

Sorry I never gave you a worthwhile response. I just hate how ivertermin and HQC have become rallying calls for anti-vax. Like if they work to reduce mortality in people already dying of covid then great, but where's the prevention? Just line up for your daily horse-paste anal injection?

Life's been going on though. I've seen some great shows happening in the US, and probably here in Canada too if I was better connected. We all got this. :D

Where's the digital SKRAMZ pass though. If you've ever listened to Wristmeetsrazor then you're denied into the show by QR code. JK!!

Edit: Tangent, there's right-wing infiltration everywhere. The entire pandemic I was unemployed and just following all this Qanon and trump shit online. It all seems like a uniquely American phenomenon, but the goals are all the same. Brexit was test run, Trump was the real deal. Look into people like peter thiel, steve bannon, Michael Flynn. It's funded by insane amounts of money from your friends like the Koch brothers and the Mercers. A lot of random institutes in Calgary, Alberta where I live are randomly funded through abstract networks by the Koch brothers. The newest push is to get people so riled up and into school boards with anti-mask, transgender, critical race bullshit. Educate yourself on it, because it's happening in most anglo countries and europe.

Goal is some bizarre Neo-feudalism. Covid was just a major boon and boost to those goals. Taking advantage of natural fears and paranoias of people to make them think that voting in fucked up right-wing politicians to keep poor transgender people out of bathrooms won't somehow reflect later in time when taxes are further cut and social services are reduced. Pendulums swing though. I guess just don't be too complacent. And if you're falling into the trap of anti-SJW/stupidpol. Then let me tell you the pink haired tumblerinas aren't the ones with the money and power.

Here's an interesting article if you have time. It's mainly US focused though. ... he-big-lie

But this is CMHWAK, so uhhh... go listen to my youtube channel got some great new stuff up there. :shock:

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Re: Are you afraid?

Post by twerkjerk »

I’m not afraid of Covid because I’m not a PUSSY!

I rather die than be a woke ass piece of shit

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Re: Are you afraid?

Post by Felt »

I would also rather have you die.

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