U guys can check us out at,
BANDCAMP @ http://www.sifulan.bandcamp.com
FACEBOOK @ http://www.facebook.com/sifulan.sg
We'd really appreciate your support, and hope to hear what u guys think, good or bad, i don't mind. Cheers and skramz on!

Moderators: klefmop, neck_cannon, Andrew, thebigmin, steven
Oh yes.dez wrote:We (Enoch Ardon) have uploaded a new song for our forthcoming 7". If you want to check it out, click, click: https://enochardon.bandcamp.com/album/d ... march-2014
brianutatx wrote:You are just a wiener rock apologist. Down with wiener rock occupation and down with Topshelf!
sifulansg wrote:Hello everyone, i'm very very new here. I'm from Singapore (not sure if there is anyone from my country over here) and I play in a newly formed band called SiFulan.
U guys can check us out at,
BANDCAMP @ http://www.sifulan.bandcamp.com
FACEBOOK @ http://www.facebook.com/sifulan.sg
We'd really appreciate your support, and hope to hear what u guys think, good or bad, i don't mind. Cheers and skramz on!
Thanks for checking us out!milquetoast wrote:sifulansg wrote:Hello everyone, i'm very very new here. I'm from Singapore (not sure if there is anyone from my country over here) and I play in a newly formed band called SiFulan.
U guys can check us out at,
BANDCAMP @ http://www.sifulan.bandcamp.com
FACEBOOK @ http://www.facebook.com/sifulan.sg
We'd really appreciate your support, and hope to hear what u guys think, good or bad, i don't mind. Cheers and skramz on!
this is cool!