Hey guys, I am Paul from Germany and I have to write a term paper at school. I chose the subject English for it and the topic „9/11 – Different American points of view“. In the term paper I want to analyse the consequences of 9/11 for American human-beings. So in one part of the term paper I want to assess the experiences of American human-beings. That means I want to know how they felt 2001 and so on. You can send me a message at this page or an e-Mail to termpaper911@web.de .
Important: It´s an anonymous survey but if you answer write your age and your gender. Of course you have to be an American woman or man and you have to be 25 or older to answer because other ways you should not be able to answer my questions.
So please answer honestly, in full sentences and only if you correspond with all criteria. I hope my English is understandable. Thank You!
1. What was your first reaction and how did you feel after having noticed the trouble in New York and in whole America on 11th September 2001?
2.1 Please describe how the days after 9/11 proceeded in America.
2.2 How did the society in America react to the events?
3.1 How is daily life in America influenced by the attacks 2001?
3.2 What has changed for you since the attacks 2001?
4.1 Do you think that such events like 9/11 may happen again in the USA and do you think that the USA would be well prepared?
4.2 How would the American government and the American people react in your opinion?
I need your help for my termpaper..
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