Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

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Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by thatoldghost »

I'm not sure if I'm just out of touch or if I'm "gatekeeping" but to me it seems like the current screamo scene is super cringey. Im referring not just to the lackluster bands that are out (tho there are a few good ones doing different shit) but also the social aspects in the scene itself. If you've perused the facebook group Skramcave you have a basic idea of what I'm talking about. Just seems like a bunch of kids who don't really know that much about screamo beyond the surface (orchid omg!) and the current popular bands.

Dunno, just seems like a bunch of kids patting themselves on the back for all liking the same 5 bands. Bands aren't really doing anything different... I can't remember the last time I've heard a current screamo band that had riffs and structure as opposed to just spamming octave chords cause they saw Kilgore Trout/Ostraca get popular and decided to ape it. And they all LOVE seeyouspacecowboy. That band is good but god I really don't get why people are worshiping them.

I'm sure most of it is just age/perspective..and I bet the people who were into this scene before me thought i was cringey too...but I cannot be the only one thinking this? Let's hear it cmhwak - has our beloved genre gone to shit??

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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by CharlieBronson »

Hey new kid. Careful those fake skramcave dummies are here too. One loser once tried to convince everyone that he organized a I Have Dreams reunion lol.

Yeah I dont really get why SYSC get jocked so hard when they have literally stolen every riff they have from As the sun sets, Daughters, Ed gein etc. Not to mention the previous bands the members were in stole riffs from DOFH and claimed em as thier own ideas and their lead singer steals album art designs and skews them just enough so he doesnt get sued AND SELLS THEM!??!. Not an original thought in that entire band even thier twitter handle is DIETDAUGHTERS. I cant respect fake shit. Ontop of that Nick from Daughters called them out for overstepping the line between worship band to flat out theft.

Its unfortunate that these new kidz are coming up in a baron skramz landscape where ideas are simply being rehashed and nothing knew is being put forward. As an Australian who lives in the skramz capital of the world with a great close knit skramz community its very weird to look upon the US scene which strikes me as super regressive & closed minded who are more concerned with identity politics and pushing an agenda instead of uniting kidz in music & catharsis.

Then again they are kidz and kidz are fuckin dumb thats why theyre kidz.
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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by klefmop »

Hello new poster!

Screamo in 2018 is weird. I don't think I can name a single band that i'm stoked on. Ostraca is cool, but I don't really keep up with them.
I like SYSC but I don't necessarily worship them. Connie has been cool to me the few times i've talked to her and I was a HUGE fan of that entire san diego scene back in the early 2010's especially that avari band.

Screamo will resurge again once all the metalcore trend kids find this genre and start jumping on the train and start paying $100+ for OG screamo stuff. They think finding old metalcore shirts is hard, they're all gonna be bummed when they find out how hard it is to find OG screamo stuff that's not YL or S.

Not active on facebook to be honest so idk how bad those fb groups are. Just listen to the bands you're stoked on and don't worry about what other kids are doing/thinking. it's working well for me! :)

EDIT: It also should be noted that regardless of subgenre, hardcore (yes, screamo is hardcore) as a whole is in a terrible era where literally ripping off bands note for note and being a carbon copy is considered cool, gets kids stoked, and is what people strive to do with music. For example that ecostrike band really just sounds exactly like strife and rips them off to the point where i'm like "cmon, really?" it seems originality as a whole is just completely wiped out when it comes to ANY new music nowadays. I feel like i'm too young to be this jaded when it comes to new music, but man it's hard to get stoked on anything when it seems like i've heard it all before. It really feels like the last thing people care about is the music nowadays and everyone is caught up in image and paying $100+ for shirts of bands that they just heard 6 months ago to look cool at shows.

I formed a band where I live and I can surely say that when you decide to write music for yourself, that you sincerely enjoy playing, and you truly do not care whether or not people like it or think its "cool", it is the most fun you can possibly have playing shows and writing. I encourage you to do the same!
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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by Phil »

I don't keep up with "the scene" in general these days, but reddit/"meme culture" seems to have invaded DIY and punk spaces in a really gross way.

Bands straight up ripping classics isn't anything new though. There's a million shitty Ramones/Discharge/Void/Wipers/Black Flag/Youth of Today (etc, etc) copycats from over the years filling up dollar bins.

I've thought a lot about music in the modern internet era and I think it's really difficult for regional or original sounds to flourish anymore. Everyone can basically be exposed to everything at any time for free and with minimal effort because it's all on google or youtube. So all of the established musical canon is just recycled in different ratios because many of the people making music today share many of the same influences. I'm not articulating this well but I hope it makes sense.

The way bands incorporated outside genres of music (or even other punk related genres) was part of what made screamo really interesting to me. It was sort of a chameleon genre that could drape itself over any backdrop. I'm not sure what the hype bands of the day are, but my guess is now that there's 25+ years of established "screamo legends" the kids who get into it today pull most of their influence from screamo itself, and the genre is now cannibalizing itself like most others.

Get off my lawn and all that.
Last edited by Phil on Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by Phil »

These were the most recent screamo records I remember BLOWING ME AWAY. ... draw-close

But I listened to that new Cassus LP once through recently and thought it was pretty good. I recommend checking shit out on React with Protest and IFB because they've been doing their shit forever and they know what's good.
brianutatx wrote:You are just a wiener rock apologist. Down with wiener rock occupation and down with Topshelf!

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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by Phil »


Apparently that sysc LP is on RWP so I'll take a listen and see what's what.
brianutatx wrote:You are just a wiener rock apologist. Down with wiener rock occupation and down with Topshelf!

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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by zeniak »

I just want to say that there is no more extremely emotional and whiny screamo and I hate it. There will never be any more bands like You And I, or Toru Okada, or Khayembii Communique, or Hour Of The Star, why even live?

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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by Corgi »

the scene has always been shit but most of us are metaphorical coprophiles. the bands nowadays dont care about what they eat so the shit ends up tasting horrible to us elitist shiteaters
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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by Flowersintheattic »

thatoldghost wrote:I'm not sure if I'm just out of touch or if I'm "gatekeeping" but to me it seems like the current screamo scene is super cringey. Im referring not just to the lackluster bands that are out (tho there are a few good ones doing different shit) but also the social aspects in the scene itself. If you've perused the facebook group Skramcave you have a basic idea of what I'm talking about. Just seems like a bunch of kids who don't really know that much about screamo beyond the surface (orchid omg!) and the current popular bands.

Dunno, just seems like a bunch of kids patting themselves on the back for all liking the same 5 bands. Bands aren't really doing anything different... I can't remember the last time I've heard a current screamo band that had riffs and structure as opposed to just spamming octave chords cause they saw Kilgore Trout/Ostraca get popular and decided to ape it. And they all LOVE seeyouspacecowboy. That band is good but god I really don't get why people are worshiping them.

I'm sure most of it is just age/perspective..and I bet the people who were into this scene before me thought i was cringey too...but I cannot be the only one thinking this? Let's hear it cmhwak - has our beloved genre gone to shit??
I remember very similar arguments about it in our real screamo/real emo (whatever :lol: ) forum from Spain almost 10 years ago.

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Re: Screamo in 2018 - Cringey?

Post by brianutatx »

It's hard to get stoked on most of the newer bands that have been releasing music these days for many of the reasons already talked about in this thread. There are some good bands making screamo music but it seems like the good bands are never the ones that get the hype in the scene. I guess we gotta focus on the bands doing cool stuff like Lord Snow, Shizune, Pique, Onje, Elle, Ghost Spirit, and others that are making interesting music with fresh ideas.

I can't speak on Skramcave because those kids don't like me and kicked me out the same day I got added for some reason. But from what I gather from this thread it sounds like kids that are newer to the genre, which makes sense that they would hype the same 5 bands. When you're new to a genre you will be excited by the sound and will want to let others know how much you like the new sound you've found. As you get more and more into a genre it becomes harder and harder to become as excited as you were when you first found the genre. So there's nothing wrong with new comers to the scene to jock the same 5 bands, I think it's important for those of us that have been around the scene longer to share some of the best jams of deep cuts that we listen to with the new comers.

Hopefully screamo will get better, but maybe the genre is on it's death bed. I rarely ever listen to screamo these days because I have a hard time finding bands that get me stoked.

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